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Carry on your sessions at home!

Carry on your sessions at home!

Many of our centre users are creating online tools to enable you to carry on your activities while staying in the safety of your own home. So we are here to detail as many as we can for you. Keep checking back as we will update this post with new information as we receive it!

Even if you don't already take part in any of these activities now could be the ideal time to start; at home, with no one watching and in some instances with the ability to replay bits over and over again until you pick things up! These can all be great advantages to this way of taking part for the first time so check out what is on offer!

Tai Chi
  • Book now for Live Tai Chi sessions in the comfort of your own living room. You can book here with classes available on Mondays at 10:30am, Wednesday at 6:15pm, Thursdays at 10:30am or Saturdays at 10am. Once you have booked a place just pop an e-mail to Graham Pritchard to let him know which class you have signed up to and he will send you the appropriate link to his sessions  which are held on Zoom. 

  • Swindon Pilates and Dance are offing online training using Zoom  (All you need to do is download the free app onto a device, laptop, iPad, phone etc) You can sign up to 1:1 training for a 1 hour bespoke class with corrections for £25 per class or small group classes for a 1 hour class with corrections for £8 per class. When you sign up to either of these you will also get a newsletter each week which will include a free workout video for you to use at your leisure as many times as you like.  Please contact Gemma on 07935398686 if you are new to Pilates and would be interested in signing up.

Performing Arts 
  • Revolution Performing Arts are a school for children aged 4-11 years old and have started posting classes on their YouTube channel which you can find here   You can find classes which cover dancing, singing and acting so hopefully something for all those creative souls out there. 

Toddler Dance
  • Babyballet Swindon will not let their stars down so have set up online classes for all customers, old and new, to join. You can find more information about their classes, timetable and introductory offers on their website

Church Services 

  • The MRV Brazilian Church who normally hold their services at St Mary's hold a live bible reading on their facebook page every day at 8:30pm.

As we receive new updates from our wonderful users we will post more information here so do check back and follow us on social media as well. You can find us on Facebook & Twitter!

Stay home and stay safe but continue to do your regular activities where possible and maybe even try something new!

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Published on 3 April 2020.
Last edited on 16 October 2021.

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