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Alone at Christmas - Hampers!

Alone at Christmas - Hampers!

Sadly the Coronavirus pandemic means we are not able to run our normal Alone at Christmas event this year. 

Whilst nothing will replace the joy Alone at Christmas has given the lonely and isolated people who have attended the event for the last 4 years, we still want to do something during this pandemic to give those alone a bit of light and joy this Christmas.

Therefore, we have decided to try and create hampers for the people who usually attend. We hope to include things such as a Christmas dinner, Christmas pudding, biscuits, Christmas cracker etc.

The current pandemic has posed lots of challenges in being able to provide anything for those alone and like so many others has hit us financially, so we are asking if there is anyone who may be able to afford to donate towards this great cause to help us provide to as many isolated people as we can this Christmas.

We understand that this is a big ask and if you cannot afford to donate there are other ways you may be able to help bring some light and joy to others this Christmas.

We are looking for donations, people to help pack hampers and people to help deliver them in the lead up to Christmas.

If you think you may be able to help in anyway, you think you will need a hamper yourself or know anyone who may benefit from this then please get in touch via Facebook, e-mail or call 01793 617237 and leave a message with your contact details and we will get back to you when we can.

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Published on 10 November 2020.
Last edited on 16 October 2021.

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