Alone at Christmas
Do you know of anyone who will be on their own on Christmas Day? For the 5th time we will be opening up the Community Centre @ Christ Church between 12noon-3.30pm to provide a 3 course Christmas meal with all the trimmings. There will be Christmas carols and for the first time we will hear the Kings speech. It will be a great opportunity for people to spend their time with others. Can you help to refer anybody who would benefit from this? Can you volunteer any time in advance to help with the preparation/ admin, or on the day itself to help with the running of the event. We need taxi drivers, table/ kitchen helpers and people to clean up afterwards. If you can help with any of the above please contact Chris Smith or Jenny Hatter on 01793 617237 or email: -
Written by Chris Smith
and published
on 28 October 2022.
Last edited on 28 October 2022.